Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings and other physical structures. Since we moved from our primitive abode, we started exploring and setting new milestones. What initially used to be jungles and mountains have taken shape into beautiful skyscrapers and monuments, which definitely represents the creative genius in us. Taj Mahal in India, along with other wonders is the evidence of this art of erecting dreams and the fact that these wonders have withstood the test of time emphasizes the science involved in making these dreams come true. Another example is The Great Sphinx of Egypt, one of the wonders of ancient Egyptian architecture, which adjoins the pyramids of Giza. It is 240 feet long and is approximately 4,500 years old.
Architectural drawing is the pre planning (plan & different cross sections) or vision put on papers before the building gets the final shape. Most important aspect of architectural drawing is the beauty combined with the strength. In architectural applications, aesthetic demands require greater attention as strength of the building is the subject matter of civil engineers.
Gone are the days when it used to take years to plan structures with drawing board, sheets, t-square, scales, drafter, pencil, eraser and lots of hard work. With the latest softwares available in the market everything has become so simple. Today all we need is to put the dimensions and the virtual image comes up on the screen. Architectural designs have become so much simpler as every applicable standards, every factor of safety is taken care of.
These days many architectural design and architectural drafting programs in which one can acquire the fundamental skills in drafting and building designs are available such as AutoCAD which comes with many courses like Working Drawings and Building Systems. Sì. It is talent coupled with imagination, which allows one to excel in a specialized career, such as remodeling, and design of building. Many of the design and drafting students start their own businesses or work for giant design firms after graduation.
With the softwares available in the market, things have really become simple. These softwares are user friendly and all you need is little imagination. All you will ever need comes inbuilt with these softwares; you can use the mouse, the keyboard, or a combination of both to build the plan. A full array of graphic drawing tools is provided and a host of pre-drawn figures are included to represent furniture, fixtures, windows, doors and so forth. Complete instructions are provided at every step, which is very helpful and simple.
Some of the softwares available are ; Bentley Architecture: In their words Bentley Architecture is an advanced, yet intuitive and easy-to-use architectural building information modeling (BIM) application that empowers architects and designers to create with unlimited freedom. ; Chief Architect: Chief Architect is specifically designed for the residential and light commercial design professional. Chief Architect makes it easy for you to visualize your design ideas for your client's home or remodeling project. Move a wall, add a room, redesign a kitchen, change materials, estimate costs - all before you build.- chiefarchitect. ; There are many more softwares, the famous ones being Home Plan Pro, Softplan Architectural Software, ViaCAD.
In case you are stuck and require help, technical support will definitely help you out. Questi software possono essere aggiornati con il tempo di stare al passo con il ritmo del progresso tecnologico sulla base quotidiana. Naturalmente si possono ottenere informazioni complete in rete. Ci sono molte associazioni e gruppi in rete che può essere molto utile più la libreria on-line è una risorsa che si può bancario su. Potrebbe essere, come per visitare le Bredemeyer, che ho scoperto essere uno molto buono. ; Nessuna discussione su architettura può essere completata senza menzionare Howard Roark, l'architetto eroe di Ayn Rand Fountainhead. Se il tuo architetto non è Howard Roark allora si deve prendere l'iniziativa da soli. Qualcun altro potrà mai capire e vedere la vostra visione del tutto e, quindi, se devo progettare una casa per me, preferisco farlo io. Naturalmente, la competenza tecnica deve essere curato dai professionisti ed è consigliabile anche a prendere il loro aiuto per ragioni di sicurezza e protezione.
E 'davvero sorprendente per utilizzare questi software, che traducono il sogno in immagini a due e tre dimensioni, ed è una grande sensazione di vedere la tua casa molto prima che sia bambino nel grembo materno, provalo e scommetto che voi non dispiace.